V love notes. Samples

Three Sample V Love Notes

by Joseph Faust


The first step in any partnership, or a legendary love, is an attraction to that which is desired. The attraction may begin with him on-purpose pursuing freedom for himself; and her seeking an intimate connection that continues to grow and deepen. In either case, attraction is not a choice and is the foundation of what happens next.

When freedom-consciousness and love-aliveness are well-matched JOY and sometimes the birth of the ultimate love life partnership, a dream team follows. This is LEGENDARY LOVE.


I LOVE YOU, what does that mean? Love is different from attraction, desire, need, or want. Love is appreciation; being seen fully by another as you are: “I appreciate you.”

“Love is the space in which someone is allowed to change.” – Henry Palmer

“I love you,” could also mean:

I feel love for you.

I love you, right now.

I feel I will always love you.

I believe I will always love you.

I appreciate you.

I deeply value you.

I am experiencing God shining through you.

I’m feeling compelled to be loving to you.

I trust you.

I am open to you.

I cherish you.

Here with you, I’m feeling bliss as I appreciate you LOVING YOU, and you LOVING ME.


This essay is dedicated to the woman who inspired it.

“IT’S ALL BULLSHIT…” Is a comment by someone who could benefit from some rest, self-compassion, and more appreciation.

“LIFE IS A GAME…” If by that you mean that there are rules. And, that if you understand the rules and you play well, then you can do well and enjoy the process. Then yes, life is a game.

The true rules are the laws of nature. And for human relations, the true rules regarding relating well include: Learning how to do both self-care and care for others. This includes giving to oneself and giving to others and receiving their gifts as well.

The rules also include desires and beliefs and how they relate to each other: When your desires and beliefs are in conflict, you feel conflict. When they are in agreement, you feel inspired.

Also, your identity is based on your beliefs about yourself.

Your strategies, behaviors, and results are based on your identity combined with your beliefs about others and the world.

To have a great experience in life nothing outside of you needs to change. A great experience in life can be sourced from your alignment with yourself and the Source.

The easiest way to relate with others is to care for yourself and appreciate yourself and others. When you need rest, rest. When you have a desire, line up with it or let it go.

Give your attention to ideas that support you in experiencing what you wish to explore and experience. Life is a gift, and this may be your only one.

I send you to love, and I appreciate you — for you!

And for your gifts that contribute to this planet, to others, and to my life experience.


Enjoy... V Love Notes